Thursday 6 January 2011

Movies! Movies! Movies!

So as previously mentioned I love lists and one of those lists includes the nominations for any type of award show. I read the nominations for pretty much any award ceremony (yay to House for getting three wins at the People’s Choice awards yesterday!). One of the award ceremonies I focus on a lot is the Golden Globes. Grammys make me sad because they are really just a reflection of album sales, I gave up on the Emmys after 30 Rock started winning everything, and don’t even get me started on the MTV music awards. The Academy Awards are still good in my books, but their nominations for 2010 aren’t out until the 25th, so I can’t include them in this. So Golden Globes here we come.

Along with lists, I have a massive fascination with movies. There was a point where I was trying to watch a movie a night for about two months, and, while not the healthiest, I definitely learnt a lot. I believe film is the most powerful form of media to promote ideas, desires, and possibly even change. Movies can create awareness and propose concepts that most people aren’t aware of, and they do it in a form that pretty much everyone loves (have you ever met anyone who hates movies?). I am constantly reconsidering and changing my Top Ten Favourite Movies List and have to separate it into different categories to feel completely at ease with it. This is a potentially sad fact about me, but I cling to it regardless. I’m sure there’s a blog post there somewhere about my need to define and organize, but I won’t get into that today.

So put my love of movies and lists together and you have the nominations for the 2011 Golden Globes Best Picture - Drama: Inception, The Social Network, The Fighter, Black Swan, The King’s Speech. I would include the Best Picture nominations for Best Comedy/Musical into the debate because I tend to enjoy this category, but this year it’s kind of a throw away so I’m not really invested in the outcome. The nominees for that are: Red, Burlesque, Alice in Wonderland, The Kids are All Right, and The Tourist. I have only seen three of the films on the list, two of which I didn’t particularly care for (Alice in Wonderland, The Tourist) and one of which I turned off (The Kids are All Right). I’ve heard good things about the other two, but I’m not overwhelmed with the desire to see them.

So, we return to Best Drama. I have every intention of seeing every film on this list and only have two to go. I will try to review them after I see them, but my skills as a reviewer are quite unpracticed. Just as a hint of what my taste is like, some dramas that made it into my favourites list include A Beautiful Mind, Braveheart, Dead Poets Society, Fight Club, Into the Wild, Life is Beautiful, and The Prestige. There are more obviously, but that’s what I’ve got for now.

I’m not normally as invested into the list of nominees as much as I have been this year, but I think it’s a combination of the fact that they are all getting amazing reviews and that they are all coming out at pretty much the same time (Black Swan, Fighter, and King’s Speech to theatre, Inception and Social Network to DVD). Exciting stuff.

Any thoughts on the movies mentioned or other great movies of the year?

A excerpt from one of my favourite scenes from one of my favourite movies. Plus you got to dig the accents:


aimee bee said...

if you haven't seen the king's speech yet, go see it RIGHT NOW. i mean it. put down whatever it is you're doing and go. then tell me when you've seen it so we can discuss. i'll just say that i haven't been as thrilled with a movie in a very long time. years, maybe. colin firth is sheer, absolute genius.

kerry said...

aimee, i totally agree!

michael, grrr! why didn't you tell us your thoughts on the ones you have seen!

mdwillems said...

Aimee, I read your instructions and immediately heeded them. Took heed of- took head of them. I was heeding them and now I have seen the movie and am excited to write a report on it as soon as possible. Aren't you proud of me?

And Kerry, why would I tell you my thoughts on all of them at once when I could drag it out over multiple posts? Silly Kerry :)