Sunday, 27 February 2011

The All Right Story of a Network of Black King Fighters with Grit who hit each others' Bones for 127 Hours. Inception.

Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been working on something really big (impending music here). But there is nothing like a last minute deadline to get me to post. In previous posts I have mentioned how intrigued I am with movie awards this year. The king of em all, the Osars, are tonight and I’m kind of excited. Over the last three weeks I have seen every movie nominated for best picture, actor, actress, and supporting (except for Biutiful. I ran out of time. Plus it’s a horror, apparently). So below are my thoughts on them all. My thoughts have shifted quite a bit since the Golden Globes, especially now that I've seen them all. These are not my predictions – my tests very rarely align with that of the academy’s – but here’s who I think deserves the win.

Actor in a Leading Role: Colin Firth “King’s Speech” with James Franco at a very, very close second.

Actor in Supporting: Geoffrey Rush “King’s Speech” with Christian Bale as a close second.

Actress in a Leading Role: Jennifer Lawrence “Winter’s Bone” with Nicole Kidman for “Rabbit Hole” in second and Natalie Portman in third for “Black Swan”

Actress in a Supporting Role: Melissa Leo “The Fighter” with Haliee Steinfeld from “True Grit” in second. Steinfeld and Lawrence are both quite young and amazing for their ages.

Animated Feature: “How to Train Your Dragon”

Art Direction: Inception. For production and set design, they completely deserve it.

Cinematography: “The King’s Speech”

Costume Design: “Alice in Wonderland”

Directing: “Black Swan” with “King’s Speech” a close second and “True Grit” in third

Documentary: “Exit through the Gift Shop”

Original Score: Inception – Hans Zimmer. Should Hans Zimmer’s brilliance really ever be questioned? “127 Hours” gets a very close second and “The Social Network” a very, very dead last. I listened to the whole thing last night to make sure I wasn’t crazy and nope, still terrible.

Original Song: Honestly, no real standouts. “If I Rise” from “127 Hours” probably gets it.

Writing Adapted Screenplay: “True Grit” hands down

Writing Original Screenplay: “The King’s Speech”

Best Picture: Here’s the biggie. In order from worst to best, here’s where I stand.

10. The Kids are all Right
9. Toy Story 3
8. The Social Network
7. The Fighter
6. True Grit
5. 127 Hours
4. Winter’s Bone
3. Inception
2. The King's Speech
1. The Black Swan

WHAT! Inception didn’t get first?! What’s that?! Maybe it’s the fact that I haven’t seen it for a while, or maybe it’s because I know that it’s not going to win, but for some reason I just can’t put it at the top. A friend pointed out that Inception was phenomenal entertainment-wise, but maybe not the best from an award standpoint. It was also hard putting Black Swan in first given my somewhat brutal review of it. But at the same time, conceptually it was my favourite. It had the longest impact and the strongest message to me, I just wish that it had been cleaner. Honestly, any of my top 5 could win best picture and I would not be disappointed (Note: Social Network is NOT in the top 5), they were all pretty exceptional.

There, now I can breath easy. Well that is until I start crying tonight after Social Network dominates and I go to sleep a sad man. Regardless, this year in movies has sparked a new passion in me and I am currently on the lookout to devour any and all quality films. Any suggestions that weren’t on this list/from this year?


aimee bee said...

king's speech: well deserved best picture.

social network: how it won any awards at all is beyond me. and best score? really?

inception: got what it deserved.

the kids are all right: didn't deserve nominations. maaaaaaybe whatsherface for leading role. but mark ruffalo? really? boring. and best picture? no.

fighter: didn't get as many as i thought it would. same goes for 127 hours, which didn't get any, which was sad. franco was stellar. but colin firth really really deserved it. i love that movie.

best speech of the night: hands down, melissa leo. she was so genuinely shocked about winning. and dropped an F-bomb which was hilarious.

cutest old man in the history of the world: kurt douglas. love love love.

kerry said...

JAMES FRANCE? Hello. James Franco.

Other than that, I have no opinion. The King's Speech and Alice in Wonderland are the only nominated movies in any category that I've seen.