Monday, 25 February 2008

Practical Time

Lying in bed, barely awake,
I don’t want to start the day.
It’s too much effort to get up,
Plus it’s already nine anyway.
I’d finally get up at quarter past nine,
And take my time getting ready.
And once I’m finally presentable,
It’s practically past 10:30.
By the time I finish my breakfast,
It’s practically time for lunch,
And then it’s practically 2 o’clock,
And I’ll need something else to munch.
So then it’s practically 3 o’clock,
And my computer still hasn’t been fixed,
So then I’ll have to “work” on it,
Until its half past six.
Then I’d have to prepare my supper,
And take some time to dine,
And after all the cleaning’s done,
It’s already practically nine.
Then I’ll watch my two favourite shows,
And view the setting sun,
So by the time I finally get up,
The day will be practically done.

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