Saturday, 21 July 2012

Spoken Word - Taylor Mali

Ha! Remember that time where I said I was going to be doing a lot more writing? As in my last post? Well it turns out that I need assigned essays to procrastinate from in order to do my own writing. Whenever I'm school I dream of having all the time in the world to sit down and do my own writing, and now that I have that time, I don't do it at all. The brain is a cruel thing, my friends. I just need friends to start assigning me essays so that I can work on other stuff while feeling guilty about not doing the essays. It's a flawless concept, really.

In the meantime, I promised some other spoken words, so I ought to deliver. This one is a classic. It's by Taylor Mali, the guy I mentioned a little while back, and should be listened to by anyone who is interested in teaching, is a teacher, or has been taught. (Hint: that includes everybody.)

One of my favourite Mali lines of all time is:

"When she was in my eyes I fantasized and everything else became a blur.
I wanted to abandon my Bachelors in English for a Masters degree in her."



Anonymous said...

Which poem is that line from? The Google can't find it... :)


Carey. said...

I like how you never answered my question.

mdwillems said...

If the Google can{t find it, than surely I{m at a loss as well. I think it{s on my computer at home... somewhere.

Props to you on the follow up.

PS: I didn{t just invent a new apostrophe for kicks, the key is just really hard to find a Spanish keyboard. Spanish keyboards are triiiiicky.