Saturday 14 April 2012

Sometimes Just Pressing a Virtual Button Can Get Your Heart Racing

!!!! <-- That is the symbol for what my heart is feeling right now. When "EEEK" and "YUSSS" don't suffice.

I just pressed "Book Now" on the airline website. The tour is planned and the passport renewal application is all filled out. It's official, I'M GOING TO PERU!!!

Why? Because "#59 - Climb the Inca trail," that's why. Machu Picchu, here I come!!!


this girl said...

NO WAY!!! That's so exciting, and I can't wait to hear all about it! When and how long are you gone?

aimee bee said...

i am choosing to allow the "starting a sentence with exclamation marks" in this context only, because !!!!!!!!!!!! and also jfdauhfhfdaiu;fds;a;sdiadsjfajfasncjdjfdj and also BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.